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Win an Olloclip Macro 3 in 1 Photo Lens for iPhone 5/5S

We have a new contest for you. The winner will get amazing3 Olloclip macro 3 in 1 lens


Do you want to participate?

Just support the Fripito campaign by any amount in the week from March 17, 2014 till March 23, 2014 (midnight CET) and take a part in the game!

On Monday March 24, 2014 we will draw one of you and reward the winer with Olloclip macro 3 in 1 lens of superior quality designed for taking sharper close-up shots with the iPhone


How to contribute and play?

1. Go to page

2. Click on “Contribute now”

3. Fill in the amount  and choose your perk

4. Indicate your email or address for reward delivery

5. Select your payment method (Credit card or PayPal)

6. Click on Contribute button

7. Send your tip on final amount that Fripito will reach on Indiegogo to email:


Olloclip 4